Peter Brock and Frank Kilfoyle competing in the 1972 Dulux Rally. Pic by Chris Brown.
The Dulux Rally was the only event of its type in the world. While the idea came from the Tour de France Automobile which was held mainly on sealed roads, the combination of genuine dirt rallying between the speed events made the ‘Dulux’ unique.
It was a new innovation to Australian motor sport, combining a tour of hillclimbs and racing circuits, with road rallying between them.
The events received wide publicity, the most for a rally event since the Round Australia Trials in the fifties – except for the 1968 London to Sydney Marathon.
Tom Snooks was Administration Manager for 1971 and Clerk of Course for the 1972 Dulux Rally.

ASCC President John Keran and Kevin Bartlett in the 1971 Dulux. Keran drove the rally sections whilst Bartlett handled the circuit racing.

Dulux Rallies 1971 & 1972 - A History
Introduction to the events, including the start, the concept, scoring system, eligibility and the end of the Dulux Rally. 4 pages.

1971 Dulux Rally
Information about the 1971 Dulux Rally, including the itinerary, entries, and details of competition. 18 pages

1972 Dulux Rally
Information about the 1972 Dulux Rally, including the course, entries, details of competition and images from the event. 34 pages