4 – 8 OCTOBER 1967
Photograph from the front cover of the 1968 event regulations booklet –
Barry Ferguson/Dave Johnson in their 1967 Southern Cross International Rally winning Volkswagen
This year Ferguson and Johnson made up for the disappointment of their 1966 crash with a runaway win in their Volkswagen. The rally provided much drama. Ferguson replaced Kilfoyle as the leader on the way back from Bairnsdale and a navigation error near Bairnsdale removed a potential threat from John Keran/Steve Halloran. The run home was led by Ferguson/Johnson all the way and they led the 39 finishers into Sydney. 1966 winners Firth/Hoinville crashed their Ford Cortina off the road and did a few rolls down a mountain at Blue Duck on the road to the Bogong High Plains. So Firth went fishing.
Final Outright Placings
1 | Barry Ferguson | Dave Johnson | Volkswagen | 330 |
2 | Frank Kilfoyle | Doug Rutherford | Ford Cortina GT | 379 |
3 | Bob Holden | George Shepheard | Morris Cooper S | 464 |
4 | Colin Bond | Brian Hope | Mitsubishi Colt | 467 |
5 | Ian Vaughan | Roger Vaughan | Ford Cortina Mk2 | 482 |
There was no limit on the amount of the course that could be missed provided the late time limit was achieved at the end of a division; missing a control led to a penalty of 200 points.
See the full details of the 1967 Southern Cross Rally in the document below…