by Tom Snooks

1967 Southern Cross Rally

4 – 8 OCTOBER 1967

Photograph from the front cover of the 1968 event regulations booklet –
Barry Ferguson/Dave Johnson in their 1967 Southern Cross International Rally winning Volkswagen


This year Ferguson and Johnson made up for the disappointment of their 1966 crash with a runaway win in their Volkswagen. The rally provided much drama. Ferguson replaced Kilfoyle as the leader on the way back from Bairnsdale and a navigation error near Bairnsdale removed a potential threat from John Keran/Steve Halloran. The run home was led by Ferguson/Johnson all the way and they led the 39 finishers into Sydney. 1966 winners Firth/Hoinville crashed their Ford Cortina off the road and did a few rolls down a mountain at Blue Duck on the road to the Bogong High Plains. So Firth went fishing.

Final Outright Placings

1Barry FergusonDave JohnsonVolkswagen330
2Frank KilfoyleDoug RutherfordFord Cortina GT379
3Bob HoldenGeorge ShepheardMorris Cooper S464
4Colin BondBrian HopeMitsubishi Colt467
5Ian VaughanRoger VaughanFord Cortina Mk2482

There was no limit on the amount of the course that could be missed provided the late time limit was achieved at the end of a division; missing a control led to a penalty of 200 points.


See the full details of the 1967 Southern Cross Rally in the document below… 


1967 Southern Cross Rally